Notice on the Annual Review of the Scholarship of International Students for the 2023-2024 Academic Year
Dear international students,
In order to evaluate the comprehensive performances of international students and strictly abide by the scholarship evaluation criteria, in accordance with relevant requirements, the university carries out the 2024 scholarship annual review. The relevant arrangements are as follows:
一、参评员工范围The scope of participants
International students who continue to study at ZUFE in the 2024-2025 academic year;
With good achievements in academic studies, the average attendance of last academic year higher than 70%, academic performance assessment score higher than 60;
With clean record of Chinese laws and school regulations, didn’t receive serious warning or above punishment in last academic year;
With good record of payment in 2023-2024 academic year
Students who fail to submit the application for review before the due date will be regarded as giving up the qualification of the scholarship.
二、综合测评Comprehensive Evaluation
国际员工综合测评由日常表现、学业成绩和综合素质三方面组成。其中,日常表现占15%,学业成绩占70%,综合素质占 15% 。日常表现测评不合格者、学年学分加权平均分不及格者,不得参与奖学金评定。
The comprehensive evaluation of international students consists of three parts: Daily performance (15%), academic performance(70%) and comprehensive quality(15%). Students who fail the daily performance assessment or academic performance assessment are not allowed to participate in the scholarship evaluation.
三、评审流程Evaluation process
1. 提交申请材料。今年会官网发布奖学金申请通知,国际员工扫描钉钉二维码,线上提交申请材料。
Submit Application. International students are required to log in Ding-talk Scholarship application to submit their applications respectively before June 30th, 2024. Those who fail to submit the application for review before the due date will be regarded as giving up the qualification of the Scholarship.
2. 资格审核。评审小组审核员工申请材料,确定符合资格条件的员工名单。
Qualification Review. The scholarship evaluation panel will review student application materials and determine the list of students who meet the eligibility criteria.
3. 综合测评。根据奖学金评审细则,测算员工综合表现成绩,按照成绩高低排序并进行三天班级公示。
Comprehensive Review. According to the scholarship evaluation rules, the comprehensive performance of international students will be calculated by scholarship evaluation panel, the final grades and ranking will be publicized in Ding-talk class group for 3 days.
4. 根据奖学金名额,按班级排名和综合测评分数线,依次授予省政府奖学金、校学历生奖学金和单项奖学金。
According to the scholarship seats, provincial government scholarship, school scholarship and individual scholarship will be awarded successively based on the class ranking and the comprehensive assessment Cut-off score.
四、评审结果Evaluation results
The annual scholarship Evaluation results will be sent to your Ding-talk and announced at School website for 10 days. Students who have objections to the evaluation results shall submit written appeal materials to the scholarship evaluation panel within 10 working days from the date of publicity.
1. 2021级本科生Bachelor of Grade 2021—任老师Mr.Ren
Tel: 8673 2592, Email: 53635520@qq.com
2. 2022级本科生、2022-2023级硕士生Bachelor of Grade 2022, Master of Grade 2022-2023—汪老师Mr.Wang
Tel: 8755 7491, Email: wangbolin2018@zufe.edu.cn
3. 2023级本科生Bachelor of Grade 2023 —陈老师 Ms. Chen 188-0020-7219
Tel: 8673 2592, Email: 18800207219@163.com